The time traveler is running through many randomized levels. He has to avoid many obstacles in the game, like random gears or flying glowing points. when he reaches the portal (a shining cyan dot in the end), he gets to another world and so on.

A or < to go right

D or > to go left

SPACE to jump/double-jump

Good luck!

Published 25 days ago
AuthorDanUA Entertainment


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This was awesome lol, I love the music and sound design. especially. The slow mo jump was rly surprising and fun and the assets are rly wacky and fun.

Loved the death sound lol

The double jump is so over the top that its kinda funny. The death sound is also funny too. I feel like the tiny orb thingies are way to annoyingly of an obstacle though.

Love the character model and the physics behind their movement! I was really confused what the goal was. Seemed like everything I touched was killing me. Don't really understand the purpose of slowing down time when you double jump.

Thank you for commenting. 

Slowed double jump is a cool way to play with both requirements, but also there can be some moments, when you need to get precise when landing (at least helps me in these situations). 

But yeah, completely forgot to inform about the mechanics of the game.